Trademark Law
Registering a Trademark
A trademark (wordmark or figurative mark) offers protection—potentially unlimited in duration—for designations such as product and service names, company names, or logos. Before registration, trademark offices examine whether the mark possesses distinctiveness, meaning it must not be purely descriptive. The trademark application must include a list of the goods and services to be protected.
Achieving the Best Possible Trademark Protection
Foresight is key when registering a trademark. The goods and services list should include items that may only become relevant in the medium or long term. Registering your trademark in the most important current and future markets can help prevent disputes, such as those involving fast-moving copycats. We will explain the available tools, which include domain names.
Researching and Monitoring Registered Trademarks
Responsible trademark management includes monitoring your registered trademarks in key countries to stay informed about newer trademarks (or applications). In many cases, oppositions can be filed against these without incurring excessive costs.
Particularly in trademark law, it is crucial to conduct a prior search when choosing a new product or service name. Failure to do so can result in severe consequences—from injunctions to the destruction of your products and marketing materials—not to mention potential damage to your reputation. Vom Imageverlust ganz zu schweigen.
Good to Know About Trademark Infringement
As a trademark law firm, we specialize in all aspects of trademark research, trademark protection through registration, trademark infringement, and trademark defense. Each of our trademark attorneys has extensive experience in handling trademark infringement cases—from assessing the situation to conducting infringement proceedings—as well as trademark conflicts and collisions.
Whether it’s about protecting a logo, domain rights, trademark licensing, trademark renewal, or safeguarding a company or brand name, we are here to help. Additionally, we assist with trademark valuation and other related areas of designation law.